Become the World's 3rd Best LabVIEW Presenter

November 14, 2022, 22:00 – 22:45 UTC
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Giving a presentation is hard. Giving a good presentation is really hard. Giving a good LabVIEW presentation is really easy... for Darren and Norm. Come learn some tips and techniques for putting together and delivering an engaging, informative, memorable LabVIEW presentation. Darren and Norm happen to have very different presentation styles, yet are often told by LabVIEW audiences that their presentations are good. So learn from the masters on both sides of the Good LabVIEW Presentation spectrum!

Norm Kirchner

22 year veteran of the global LabVIEW community, and ardent evangelist of SMoRES design principles, Norm Kirchner is currently a Chief Technical Support Engineer at NI specializing in RF & communications.

Over the years, Norm has contributed several community tools/frameworks/templates including: Extensible Session Framework (ESF), Remote Export Framework (REx), The OG Tree API, Top-Level Baseline Prime (TLB`), and always a crowd favorite LabVIEW Speak, to name a few.

Norm now focuses his efforts on leadership and mentorship within Technical Support Engineering (TSE) at NI, instilling his passion for customer success in automated test and measurement using NI products as well as teaching RF to anyone curious enough to ask, babies to bookkeepers.

Norm! (N1NJK) has a BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI and hails originally from Cleveland, OH.

List of 28 hobbies available upon request

Image of Norm Kirchner

Darren Nattinger

Darren Nattinger (DNatt) is a CLA who has worked at NI for over 25 years. He spent most of that time in LabVIEW R&D, thinking of and implementing editor features to delight LabVIEW programmers, but he is currently a Chief Techical Support Engineer, helping build up LabVIEW expertise in the NI tech support department. Darren is the 7-time undefeated (now retired) World's Fastest LabVIEW Programmer, and was the primary developer for LabVIEW features such as Quick Drop and the VI Analyzer Toolkit. His favorite LabVIEW framework is DQMH. Darren has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from UT Austin, and an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Georgia Tech.

Image of Darren Nattinger